I've been trying hard to be a more positive person, to roll with the punches instead of trying to fight everything. I think I've been doing a pretty good job of it, and life is a lot less stressful. What I've figured out, though, is that there is a certain breed of people who I will never, ever like. I bet you know one or two or even more, because they're certainly rampant. They are the "I'm better than everyone else because _____" (fill in the blank.)
You know those people who make you feel bad because you happen to like Justin Beiber's music? The ones who say, "Oh, if you don't listen to the new record by I Pull My Pud you suck so bad." It seems like everyone tries to be original, to not be mainstream. That's fine, but you don't have to try to make yourself feel awesome by making others feel bad about what they listen to.
Or read. Or eat. Or drink. I don't care if I won $190,000,000 - me and my taste buds would still be eating at McDonald's.
It seems some "trashy" things are cool to own up to - watching Jersey Shore, for example. I don't watch it, but if I did, I'd own up to it. I'm reading Snooki's book. Go ahead and mock me, I don't care. I read all kinds of books. I just finished the Stieg Larsson trilogy and really liked the books. I love Willa Cather and I love Jackie Collins books.
People need to get over themselves. If you want to drink your Keystone Light while reading Cervantes, you go for it. If you want to listen to New Kids on the Block while discussing Beethoven's works, who the hell cares? Like Joseph Campbell is reported to have said, "Follow your bliss." I'll add to that and say, "Follow your bliss, and fuck anyone who gives you any shit about it. They're douchebags, yo."
I was just thinking about this earlier in the week. I was musing whether people really intend to be so critical & condescending, as if their personal preferences are the only "right way" to enjoy life, or do they truly just not think about what they say before they say it, oblivious to how it might make someone else feel? Ah, maybe I just need to grow a thicker skin. Why do I care what someone like that thinks anyway, right?
Right there with you on this one!
I think a lot of people are very, very insecure, and tend to gravitate to whatever they "think" will make them more appealing to others.
I've never met anyone else who happens to like the group The Sundays quite as much as I do, yet I don't think I'm better than anyone because I like some random-ass band.
Same with food, wine, etc. I've gotten a whole lot better at trying new things.
I'm happy being me, and if someone things I'm unclassy or germane, so be it!
Stupid me. I meant to say "thinks" instead of "things." My bad.
How was Snooki's book?
The book wasn't too bad. It's obviously a light, entertaining read. I liked it, especially because it made me feel warm with all the references to the beach and the tanning salon.
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