Friday, August 27, 2010

Because I'm growing up ...

Finally, finally I seem to be maturing. I'm still "fun" Erin, but over this deployment I've realized that it's okay to be quiet. I don't feel the need to share every little thing with the world, whether it be by text, phone, e-mail, Facebook, blog, etc. I'm comfortable in my own skin, in my life, and with choices I've made throughout my life.

What you won't catch me doing (at least I hope not): Complaining about things I have no control over. Sometimes it's just a lot easier to go with the flow. Complaining is annoying, especially when there are so many others who are either going through the same thing or there are others who have it worse. It's okay to do what you have to do, but if you can't get over something after a certain amount of time, it's time to do something about it. Whining isn't attractive. It makes people not want to be around you. Sympathy baiters just don't do it for me. Grab your balls and take care of business.

I am enjoying my quiet life. Though I don't enjoy deployments (that sounds wrong, no one enjoys deployments, duh) I really believe it gives both myself and Adam time to grow as individuals, and it also strengthens our marriage, because with each deployment, we grow as a couple. It's amazing to me, really, but it's true.

I have no idea where I'm going with this post. I lost all train of thought because I'm watching the Little League World Series. My bad. I'll try to collect my thoughts from now on.

What I have been thinking about is sharing more about one of my true loves: books. I love to read. I want to share what I read. So that may be on the plate. I'll think about it.

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